Saturday, January 2, 2010

Jungle Jane is out now!

Ok, before we get to the fun stuff, two tiny changes in the blog. One, I've added a "Prop" label and will be adding an "Elements" label for you to find these easier if you need to look back. Second, I've decided to approach the pictures I put on here a bit differently. While I will still do the other pictures, I've decided to include an unedited image of the prop itself in it's entirety so you can see it. Oh, three changes, I've also decided to stick to using flickr images so that blogger doesn't deleted old pictures, in case you want to look back. Now, on to the new release!

Jungle Jane is a versatile prop. Perfect for a jungle princess or for images among dark ruins. Actually I can think of 10 different types of scenes that would make really cool pictures. Vampires, exhausted virgins resting from an escape from being sacrificed, dark elves...well, you guys are far more talented than I..I leave it to you!




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