Sunday, December 13, 2009

New Beginnings for VP&P

It was a dark and stormy night. The dame said to meet her in the alley left of the tp point. The rain fell down the neck of my jacket, causing shivers to go down my spine. It was a dark night to be out, but she said she needed my help. I'd heard this area had been build by lilsparklez Sprawl, who owns Vagabonds. It looked good, this was no dive.

I found the VIP room and a sign that said if you aren't a VIP you'll pay full price, but no dame. I thought maybe she wondered off into one of the other shops out of nerves or a need to shop, so I retraced my steps.

Directly ahead of where I came in I found the group poses and just right of that were the pose sets, she wasn't in either room.

'At least there are obvious signs placed out, so I can find my way around easily,' I thought to myself. No, that dame couldn't get lost here. I know she needed help, but if I couldn't find her I couldn't help her.

I moved on to find this little adult shop secreted away from the eyes of everyone. I didn't think the dame was a triple x kind of girl, but you never knew what these classy broads hid in their closets. As I stepped across the threshold I was warned that this is an adult store. She wasn't here either. I stepped out into the rain filled night to look around.

I was at the end of the road, there was only one place left to go: into the depths of the main store. This seemed more like the kind of place for a high class dame to hang around. Props neatly arranged for viewing, trying out. I didn't see her and went on upstairs to find the members area, empty but for the members gifts....for now. Maybe she got in a bit of trouble or maybe she changed her mind. She left me nothing but a note telling me she needed help, so I had nothing to go on. I shrug my shoulders and head back to the front. It's Christmas and I might as well pick up the Christmas wrap I found when I walked in the door.

It only cost me 250L and now maybe I could get some gifts wrapped for my loved ones. Since it is only available until Friday at noon it is limited edition and the 10 poses looked fun. With one last glance around in hopes the dame had appeared, I flicked my collar up and headed home.

(editor's note)I can't be the only one who thought of a detective story the first time I tp'd in! Hi! My name is Jalestra and I'll be helping Mykala out with the blog. I won't promise every entry will be this detailed, but I had some fun with it!


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