Sunday, December 20, 2009

New Prop and a gift!

Sorry I didn't get this out sooner, been a bit under the weather..but here's the latest scoop from Virtual Props & Poses! You'll notice the men's poses are suspiciously absent, that's because all my mens were suspiciously absent!

The Kiddie Pool was released a couple of days ago and it's all kinds of awesome! With men's poses, female poses, and group poses as well as toys you can use in your props it's a complicated build and well worth every penny!

I almost missed the lovely gift showered on the group members! Bad SL! The 2010 Commemorative Pose Prop was released to us and I think it's awesome. This one includes both male and female poses.

You can find this in our notices if you missed it as well. Thank you Mykala!


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